Plot Summary:
Enter Evermore, who has just lost her entire family in a tragic car crash. She has to move in with her single aunt, and is struggling to move on, mostly because... she still sees and talks to her little sister who is now a ghost. To make matters worse, she has caught the eye of the very handsome new boy in school. Though she is determined to ignore both her attraction to Damen and his attraction to her, Ever is fighting a losing battle on both fronts, because the two of them were meant to be...
Personal Response:
These books are very "Twilighty." Damen is very much like Edward, particularly upon first inspection. From the point where the hot, rich boy mysteriously chases the unlikely girl, it rings a similar bell. This series would be great to recommend to teens that loved Twilight and need some new material.
As I read the series, I began to get very frustrated with the story. In every book (I read five of the six books), there is a new reason that Damen and Ever can't be together forever, literally. I really enjoyed the first few, but I got tired of the same old problems. Having said that, it did captivate me for several books, and I think a teen might be more forgiving of the stagnant plot than I.
The subject matter does not really deal much with sex, as there are always the issues between the lovers, but I have not read the last book, so I don't know if that is true to the end of the series.
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